Thursday, 25 August 2011
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Ashab e Kahf - Companions of the Cave
- Ashab e Kahf - Companions of the Cave - Episode 1
- Ashab e Kahf - Companions of the Cave - Episode 2
- Ashab e Kahf - Companions of the Cave - Episode 3
- Ashab e Kahf - Companions of the Cave - Episode 4
- Ashab e Kahf - Companions of the Cave - Episode 5
- Ashab e Kahf - Companions of the Cave - Episode 6
- Ashab e Kahf - Companions of the Cave - Episode 7
- Ashab e Kahf - Companions of the Cave - Episode 8
- Ashab e Kahf - Companions of the Cave - Episode 9
- Ashab e Kahf - Companions of the Cave - Episode 11
- Ashab e Kahf - Companions of the Cave - Episode 10
- Ashab e Kahf - Companions of the Cave - Episode 12
- Ashab e Kahf - Companions of the Cave - Episode 13 Last
Tiflan-e-Muslim (a.s.)
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Monday, 15 August 2011
Hazrat Khadija (a.s.)
10th of Ramzan - Death Anniversary of Hazrat Khadija (a.s.) - Umm-ul-Momineen and the first and most beloved wife of Prophet Mohammad (sawaw).
According to traditions, Hazrat Khadija(a.s.) was born in 565 A.D. and died on the 10th of Ramzan 3 years before Hijrah (migration from Makkah to Madina) at the age of 58.
Bibi Khadija (a.s.) was the first person to accept Islam and as per authentic traditions, was the first wife of our Prophet Mohammad (sawaw) and it was her first marriage as well. This fact is contrary to the beliefs of other Muslims according to whom Bibi Khadija(a.s.) married earlier as well. She was the distinguished mother of the leader of the women of Paradise - Bibi Fatima Zehra(s.a.).
She belonged to the same Banu Hashim clan of the Banu Asad tribe from which our Holy Prophet(sawaw) belonged and they were distant cousins as well with their genealogy being as follows: Khadija binte Khawailad ibne Asad ibne Abdul Uzza ibne Qusayy bin Kalaab and Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) ibne Abdullah ibne Abdul Muttalib ibne Hashim ibne Abd Munaf ibne Qusayy bin Kalaab.
Hazrat Khadija(a.s.) was the wealthiest businessperson of the entire Arab region and after the declaration of Islam by the Prophet(sawaw) she dedicated all her wealth for the cause of Islam. She, along with Hazrat Abu Talib(a.s.) were the two people who helped our Prophet(sawaw) the most by offering their wealth and protection during the early part of Islam. That was the reason when both of them died one after the other in the same year, our Prophet (sawaw) was so grieved that he declared that year as Aam-ul-Huzn – the year of sorrow/grief.
Hazrat Khadija (SA), the wife, the companion and the friend of Muhammad Mustafa (SAW), the Messenger of Allah, and the benefactress of Islam and the Muslims, fell ill. Her illness was brief and fatal. All her life she had lived in the midst of abundance and luxury but the three years of exile had been a time of excessive austerity for er which inevitably took its toll.
She was the first woman to declare that the Creator was One, and that Muhammad (SAW) was His Messenger. The glory and honor of being the first woman believer in the whole world, is hers to all eternity.
When Islam came under mounting pressure from its enemies, Khadija (SA) sacrificed her comforts, her wealth and her home for it; and now it would appear that she sacrificed her life too, in the way of Islam. Without a doubt, if she had lived in her palatial house in Mecca, surrounded by her maid-servants, she might have lived for many more years. But she preferred to stand by her husband and his clan, and to share the hardships of life with them. During the siege, she had to endure not only the pangs of hunger and thirst but also the extremes of heat in summer and cold in winter; yet she never complained to her husband about them. Whether times were good or bad, whether she had plenty or she had nothing, she was always cheerful. Austerity and privation never soured her. It was this temperament that was an unfailing source of comfort, courage and strength for her husband during the blackest and trying moments of his life.
During the years of the siege, Khadija (SA) spent all her fortune on buying essentials like food and water for the clan of her husband. hen she returned to her house, her last cent was gone; and when she died, there was not enough money available in the house to even buy her shroud. A cloak of her husband was used as a shroud for her, and she was given a burial in it.
Muhammad Mustafa (SAW) never took another wife as long as Khadija (SA) lived, and if she had not died, it is most probable that he would never have married any other woman.
Khadija (SA) died on the 10th of Ramadan, 619 A.D. One month after her death, Muhammad Mustafa (SAW) had to sustain yet another shock in the death of Abu Talib (AS), his uncle and guardian, and the bulwark of Islam. The deaths of these two friends - Khadija (SA) and Abu Talib (AS)- were the greatest shocks that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) had to endure in the fifty years of his life.
The two lamps of their glorious lives were extinguished. He was overwhelmed with sorrow. He called the year of their death as, "The Year of Sorrow" (Aa'm ul Hozn).
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Hazrat Yousaf (a.s)
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 1
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 2
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 3
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 4
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 5
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 6
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 7
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 8
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 9
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 10
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 11
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 12
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 13
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 14
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 15
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 16
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 17
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 18
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 19
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 20
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 21
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 22
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 23
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 24
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 25
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 26
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 27
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 28
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 29
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 30
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 31
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 32
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 33
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 34
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 35
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 36
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 37
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 38
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 39
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 40
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 41
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 42
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 43
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 44
- Hazrat Yousaf (a.s) Urdu Episode 45
Shaheed-e-Kufa Imam Ali (a.s)
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 1 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 2 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 3 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 4 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 5 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 6 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 7 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 8 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 9 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 10 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 11 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 12 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 13 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 14 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 15 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 16 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 17 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 18 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 19 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 20 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 21 of 22
Shaheed e Kufa - Imam Ali Murtaza a.s - URDU - 22 of 22
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Shrine of Hazrat Imam Hussain (a.s.) Slideshow
Shrine of Hazrat Imam Hussain (a.s.) Slideshow: Fiaz’s trip from Lāla Mūsa (near Jhelum, Pakistan) to Karbala, Iraq was created by TripAdvisor. See another Karbala slideshow. Create a free slideshow with music from your travel photos.
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Imam-e-Asr waz-Zaman, Imam Mehdi (atfs)
15th of Shaban – Zahoor-e-pur noor of the last Wasi of Prophet Mohammad (sawaw), Allah(swt) hujjat on earth and the Imam-e-Asr waz-Zaman, Imam Mohammad Mehdi (atfs) ibn-e-
Holy Birth
The promised Mehdi(Ajallahu ta’allah farajahu sharif - atfs), who is usually mentioned by his title of Imam-e-Asr (the Imam of the "Period") and Sahib uz-Zaman (the Lord of the Time/Age), is the son of the eleventh Imam Hasan Askari(a.s.). His name and kunniyat is the same as that of the Holy Prophet(sawaw).
He was born in Samarrah on the 15th of Shabaan in 255 A.H./868 A.D. and until 260 A.H./872 A.D. when his father was martyred, lived under his father's care and guidance (Kamal-ud-Din Vol 2 Page 424, 428, 430, 433). His mother was Bibi Nargis Khatoon who was the grand daughter of Qaisar-e-Rome from the father’s side and the grand daughter of Janab-e-Shamoun who was the successor of Hazrat Eisa(a.s.) (Kamal-ud-Din Vol. 2 Page 420,424). His most famous titles are Mahdi, Hujjat, Qaem, Montazar, Montazir, Sahib-uz-Zaman, Imam al-Asr and Khalaf as-Salaeh
Sayyida Hakima who was the sister of the 10th Imam (Imam Ali Naqi(a.s.)) relates that she went to her nephew's (11th Imam - Imam Hasan Askari(a.s.)) house for iftaar in the evening of 14th of Shabaan 255 A.H. The 11th Imam asked her to stay as his son was to be born soon. There was no sign of pregnancy on Bibi Narjis Khatoon. The 11th Imam asked her to recite Suratul Qadr on Bibi Narjis Khatoon. At the time of Fajr on 15th Shabaan, Sayyida Hakima heard the Sura being recited from the womb of Bibi Narjis Khatoon. The 11th imam told her that the birth would occur very soon. She states that as the time approached, it appeared as if a curtain was raised between her and Bibi Narigs and after a while when that curtain was removed, she saw a beautiful baby boy performing sajda (prostration) and proclaiming the oneness of Allah and the Prophet-hood of the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw). According to a report, on his right shoulder was inscripted “Jaa al- haqqa wa zahqal batil innal batila kana zahooqa” (see translation below).
He also recited the 5th aya of Suratul-Qasas "And We intend to bestow (Our) favours upon those who are weak in the land and make them the Imams (leaders) and make them the heirs". On his right hand was written the 82nd aya of Sura Bani Israel "The truth has come and falsehood has vanished; Indeed falsehood (is a thing by nature) vanishing". The 11th Imam(a.s.) arranged to have various animals slaughtered as aqeeqa and distributed among trusted believers so that there could be many witnesses of the birth of Imam Mehdi(a.s.).
Birth protected from the eyes of common people
The tyrant Abbasid rulers were aware of the prophecies of the Holy Prophet(sawaw) that the son of Imam Hasan al-Askari(a.s.) by the name of Mahdi will appear to remove all kinds of corruption and tyranny.
Hence they planned to eliminate the child when he is born. Due to this the birth of Imam Mahdi(a.s.) was kept a secret like that of Hazrat Ibrahim(a.s.) and Hazrat Moosa(a.s.). So much so that except for the most trusted of the shias and his own family, no one knew of the
existence of Hazrat(a.s.). Inspite of this whenever there was an opportunity, Imam Hasan al-Askari(a.s.) showed his son to his trustworthy followers; that in future they may follow him. This was in order that the shias may remain firm upon the right path, and not be led astray.
A servant Abu Ghanim says:
"Abu Mohammed(a.s.) has a son whose name is Muhammed." On the third day of his birth he brought him before his companions and said: ....
"After me he is your Master of the affair, he is my successor, he is the same 'Qaem', who is awaited by alt When the earth will be fraught with injustice and oppression then he will reappear and fill the earth with justice and righteousness."
(Kamal-ud-din Vol. 2 Pg. 431)
One of the women slaves called Naseema relates that when she went to see the baby Imam in his cradle she greeted him with salaam and was replied to. She then sneezed and the Imam said: "Yarhamukallah - it is a blessing from Allah and you have 3 days immunity from death".
The last Imam(a.s.) was hidden from public view and only a few of the elite among the Shias were able to meet him. After the martyrdom of his father he became the Imam and recited the namaz-e-janaza of his father. Later by Divine Command he went into occultation (ghaybat).
Thereafter he appeared only to his deputies (naibeen) and even then only in exceptional circumstances.
Ghaibat (occultation) of the last Imam (a.s.)
The Imam's ghaibat (occultation) was in two phase - Ghaibat-e-Sughra (minor occultation) was for about 69 years - 260 A.H. (872 A.D.) to 329 A.H. (939 A.D.) and the Ghaibat-e-Kubra (greater occultation) started in 329 A.H. (939 A.D.)and will continue until Allah(swt) so wills.
Why Ghaibat?
the 6th Imam, Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.) states the reason of the ghaibat as prevention against being killed. Ishaq bin Yaqub (on authority from 12th Imam) says that all the Imams were under oppressive rulers. Our 12th Imam is hidden in order to rise in arms with obedience to no one.
Muhammad Yaqub Al-Kulayni has said that ghaibat is a test from Allah to test the steadfastness of belief in Imam.
If he is to remain in Ghaibat, what is the use of his existence?
Belief creates hope giving strength to the oppressed. It is a deterrent for the committing of injustice as one is always aware of the constant presence of the Imam.
Why Ghaibat-e-Sughra?
To make the Shias used to approaching scholars instead of Imam himself. It started during the time of the 10th Imam who was under almost constant house arrest in Samarra and continuing through.
GHAIBAT-E-SUGHRA (160 A.H. to 329 A.H.)
During Ghaibut-us-Sughra, the Imam(a.s.) appointed four deputies/ representatives to represent him among the people. After the death of the fourth deputy, the Imam(a.s.) went into Ghaibut-e-Kubra (major occultation). This was on the 10th Shawal 329 A.H.
The 4 representatives were :
1. Uthman bin Saeed Umravi(A.R.)
It is said that at the age of 11 years he was a servant in the house of the 9th Imam later to enjoy the confidence of Imam. He occupied the same position of trust with the 10th and 11th Imam who told their Shias that after him they would not see the 12th Imam and would have to obey Uthman. After the 11th Imam's martyrdom Uthman moved to Baghdad and disguised as a butter seller he set up the collection of khums for Imam. He served the 12th Imam for 5 years and received a letter near his death from Imam(a.s.) telling him to appoint his son Mohammed as the next representative.
2. Muhammad bin Uthman bin Saeed Umravi(A.R.)
He continued in his fathers footsteps also acting as a butter seller. He managed to keep Imam's existence a secret from the Abbasids until the early years of the reign of Al-Mutadid. The rulers then started searching hard for Imam and killed countless mu'mineen with even the slightest resemblance to Imam. Spies were set up to probe the khums network. Imam issued an order for Shias not to take his name nor show mas'ala of khums to anyone until absolutely sure of them. As instructed by Imam he appointed Husayn bin Rawh as the next representative after his death in 305 A.H. He served the Imam(a.s.) for 40 years.
3. Husayn bin Rawh (A.R.)
His kuniyya was Abul Qasim. His sociable nature won him respect even from the Ahlul-Sunnah. He managed to keep his activities a secret from the rulers whilst maintaining good relations with them. It is to him that we address the 'ariza' to be delivered to Imam. He served faithfully until he died in Sha'ban 326 a.h. revealing the appointment of Ali bin Muhammad Samry after him. He served for 21 years.
4. Ali bin Muhammad Samry (A.R.)
He served for only three years. A week before his death he received a letter from the Imam(a.s.) telling him of his forthcoming death and that there would be no representative after him and that Imam(a.s.) was now going into Ghaibat-e-Kubra (major occultation). Imam(a.s.) would then appear when Allah(swt) wills it. Ali bin Muhammad Samry(a.r.) died on 15th Shabaan 329 A.H. after serving for 3 years.
GHAIBAT E KUBRA (329 A.H. to present)
Imam's ghaibat is described by the Aimma like that of Prophet Yusuf (A.S.) who was amongst his brothers yet they did not recognise him.
Imam is known to meet a believer on 3 occasions:
1. At the time of trouble.
2. He is present at every Hajj.
3. He attends the funeral of every believer who has no religious obligations pending on him/her e.g. Khums.
During this time he continues to guide. Numerous letters have been received from him by (to quote a few) Ishaq bin Yaqub, Sheikh Mufeed...
It is reported that 30 people all over the world meet with him regularly.
Responsibilities during Ghaibat-e-Kubra
1. Pray for the safety of Imam(a.s.) at all time.
2. Be in waiting for Imam(a.s.) at all times.
3. Give Sadaqa for Imam(a.s.).
4. Pray for his re-appearance.
5. Whenever faced with difficulty (whether small or big) ask for assistance from Imam(a.s.).
6. Whenever his name is heard or recited, one should stand if possible, send salaams on him, put hand on head and bow.
7. If possible perform Hajj/Umra for Imam(a.s.). (Hajj-After own Wajibat)
8. Prepare for the re-appearance of the Imam(a.s.) by organizing oneself and following the teachings of Islam in its true letter and spirit.
Monday, 8 August 2011
Imam Ali ibn-e-Abi Talib (a.s.)
13th of Rajab – zahoor of Maula-e-Kainaat, Imam-ul- Muttaqeen, Ameer-al-Momineen, Wali-Allah, Sher-e-Khuda and the 1st Holy Imam, Imam Ali ibn-e-Abi Talib(a.s.). He is the only person in the whole history to have been born inside the Kaaba in Makkah. He was born in the 30th year of the Elephant (10 years before the declaration of Nabuwwat).
Allah(swt) says in the Holy Quran – Sura 5 (Al-Maaeda) Ayat 55 – “Only Allah is your Vali and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate while they bow.” (Translation by Shakir Ali). Muslim scholars of all sects are unanimous that this ayat was sent by Allah(swt) in praise of Imam Ali(a.s.) and primarily based on this ayat, the Shias believe in the wilayat of Imam Ali(a.s.).
Historical aspect of the birth of Imam Ali(a.s.)
Since it is the birth of the Holy Imam(a.s.), I wanted to reflect on the historical aspect of his birth.
When Imam Ali(a.s.) was about to be born, his mother Janab Fatima bint- e-Asad went to the Holy Kaaba and touched herself with its wall and prayed to Allah(swt) in the following words which are recorded in all important books of history: "O Allah, I firmly believe in you, your prophets and your books. I bear testimony to my ancestor Ibrahim(a.s.)’s prophethood. I beseech you through this house of yours, its constructor and the child who is in my womb, make this problem very easy for me". At once, the wall of Kaaba split and Bibi Fatima bint-e-Asad entered the Kaaba and the wall got back to its original position. Just imagine, a pregnant women whose child is about to be born stayed inside the Kaaba for 3 days and 3 nights apparently without food and water – not so - for sure food and water must have been provided to her by divine methods by Allah(swt).
After failing to open the door of Kaaba for 3 days, the people witnessed the unexpected – the wall of Kaaba got split again and Bibi Fatima bint-e-Asad got out with a new born child in her hands.
Fatima bint-e-Asad called for Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) and said to him that her child had not spoken a word, has not cried and not even opened his eyes since birth for 3 days now. Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), with a smile on his face, took Imam Ali(a.s.) in his hands and gave his tongue in the mouth of Imam Ali(a.s.). Sensing the tongue of Risalat, the child immediately opened his eyes and said "As-salam-o- alaika ya Rasool Allah (Peace be upon you O Prophet of Allah!)". The prophet replied to him and asked him why he had not opened his eyes until now. Imam Ali(a.s.) replied "How could I open my eyes in this world and see the idols placed in the Kaaba before seeing your face". After this, Imam Ali(a.s.) recited from all the four divine books of Allah(swt).
Phenomena of a new-born child talking
It might be confusing or difficult for some people to believe a new-born child talking. Please bear in mind that ours is the Prophet(sawaw) on whose hands even the stones started reciting Kalma, and in this case, it was the child of a human being.
Please also bear in mind that in the Quran Allah(swt) states that when Hazrat Isa(a.s.) was born, he was brought to the people of bani Israeel and they questioned his mother Mariam(a.s.) about him. On the orders from Allah(swt), Mariam(a.s.) pointed out at the new born child for an answer and immediately Hazrat Isa(a.s.) started talking and said – I quote from Sura Mariam (19:30) "He said: Surely I am a servant of Allah; He has given me the Book and made me a prophet;" (Translation by Shakir Ali). This is the way Allah(swt) shows his qudrat (power/control) and bestows his chosen representatives with special abilities and moajzas (miracles).
Some Ahadees-e-Rasool (saww) about Imam Ali (a.s.)
Our beloved Prophet Mohammad (saww) has praised Imam Ali (a.s.) on numerous occasions and has given him various titles. Some of the Prophet’s(sawaw) sayings about him(a.s.) are as follows:
(1) Of whomsoever am I Maula, Ali(a.s.) is his/her Maula as well. O allah(swt) keep love with the one who loves him(a.s.) and keep enmity with the one who keeps enmity with him(a.s.)
(2) I am the city of Knowledge and Ali(a.s.) is its gate. Whoever wants to get knowledge should come to its gate.
(3) I am from Ali(a.s.) and Ali(a.s.) is from Me.
(4) Allah(swt) has created me and Ali(a.s.) from the same one Noor.
(5) Ali(a.s.) is Kull-e-Imaan (Total Faith)
(6) Ali(a.s.) is to me as Haroon(a.s.) was to Moosa(a.s.)
(7) Ali(a.s.) is the distributor of Paradise and Hell.
(8) Ali(a.s.) is my brother in the world and hereafter.
(9) Looking at Ali’s(a.s.) face is Ibadaah.
(10) Talking about Ali(a.s.) in your gatherings and meetings is
(11) Keeping love of Ali(a.s.) in ones heart is Ibadaah.
(12) Ali(a.s.) is with Quran and Quran is with Ali(a.s.)
(13) Ali(a.s.) is with Haqq (truth) and Haqq is with Ali(a.s.) – O Allah(swt) turn Haqq in the same direction in which Ali(a.s.) turns.
(14) Ali(a.s.) will lead his Shias (followers, believers, friends) on the day of judgement.
(15) O Ali(a.s.) you and your Shias are the people of paradise.
(16) One who keeps enmity and jealously with Ali(a.s.) will never enter paradise.
(17) The example of Ali(a.s.) is like the example of Kaaba. (my comments: Remember that in the quran Allah(swt) states that Kaaba is the guide of momineen)
(18) O Ali(a.s), your body is my body, O Ali(a.s.) your flesh is my flesh, O Ali(a.s.) your blood is my blood, O Ali(a.s.) your soul is my soul.
(19) The one who loves Ali(a.s.) loves me and the one who loves me loves Allah(swt); the one who is jealous of Ali(a.s.) is jealous of me and the one who was jealous of me is jealous of Allah(swt).
(20) Obedience of Ali(a.s.) is my obedience and his(a.s.) disobedience is my disobedience.
(21) Every Prophet has a Wasi and Waris and my Waris and Wasi is Ali(a.s.).
(22) On the day of Dawat-zul-Asheera (the first ever Dawah in Islam) Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) declared “The one who accepts my messages and helps me today will be my Wasi, my Wazir and my Khalifa after me”. All historical references mention that Imam Ali(a.s.) was the only one to accept the message and help the Prophet(sawaw). This was the first explicit hadith of Wilayat and Wisayat of Imam Ali(a.s.) on the very first day when the message of Islam was announced by the Prophet(sawaw).
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Imam Muhammad Taqi (a.s.)
10th of Rajab - birth anniversary of the 9th Holy Imam, Imam Muhammad Taqi al-Jawwad(a.s.). His birth was in the year 195 A.H.
His Parents & Birth
He was the only son of the eighth Imam Ali Riza (a.s.) The Prophet (sawaw) had said:
"My father be sacrificed on the mother of the 9th Imam who will be a pure and pious Nubian."
Imam Musa Kadhim (a.s.) had told one of his companions that his daughter-in-law (Sabika) would be one of the most pious of women and to give her his salaams. She came from the same tribe as the Prophet's(sawaw) wife - Maria Kubtiya who bore the Prophet his son Ibrahim (who died in infancy). Imam Muhammad Taqi (a.s.) was born when his father was 45 years old.
Till then Imam Ali Riza (a.s.) had constantly been taunted that he had no children. When the 9th Imam was born, a brother of Imam Ali Riza(a.s.) was angry because he would lose out in inheriting the Imam's property and in his jealousy spread a rumour that Imam Ali Riza(a.s.) was not the father. He was eventually proved wrong by a person who could tell parentage.
The 9th Imam was 5 years old when his father was called to Baghdad by Mamun Rashid to be his 'heir apparent'. When Imam Ali Riza (a.s.) was leaving he saw his son putting sand in his hair. He asked why and the young Imam replied that this was what an orphan did. Imam Riza(a.s.) was fully aware of the treacherous character of the ruling king and was sure that he would not return to Medina. So before his departure from Medina he declared his son Muhammad al-Jawad(a.s.) as his successor , and imparted to him all his stores of Divine knowledge and spiritual genius.
Imam Ali Riza(a.s.) was poisoned on 17th Safar 203 AH and with effect from the same date Imam Muhammad al-Jawad(a.s.) was commissioned by Allah to hold the responsibility of Imamate . At the tender age of eight there was no apself chance or means of the young Imam reaching great heights of knowledge and practical achievements . But after a few days he is known not only to have debated with his contemporary scholars on subjects pertaining to fiqh ( Islamic jurisprudence ) , hadith ( tradition ) , tafsir ( Qur'anic exegesis ) , ect . and outwitted them , but also to exhort their admiration and acknowledgment of his learning and superiority . Right from then the world realized that he possessed Divine knowledge and that the knowledge commanded by the Holy Imam was not acquired , but granted by Allah.
Imam Mohammad Taqi al-Jawwad(a.s.) was entrusted with the responsibilities of Imamate in an apparently tender age of 8 years. He is the Imam with the smallest age i.e. only 25 years before he was martyred at the hands of Moatasim Abbasi in the year 220 A.H. Imam Jawwad(a.s.) showed immense knowledge and maturity during his short imamat time of 17 years so much so that at some sessions he answered more than 30 thousand questions within 3 days time.
Once the most learned scholar of the court of Mamoon named Yahya bin Aksam was prepared for a debate with Imam Jawwad(a.s.) to show that he is still in his infancy and does not have divine knowledge. Imam(a.s.) went to the court to take up the debate.
Yahya took up one of the most difficult matters in Islamic Shariah and asked Imam(a.s.) "What will be the Kaffara for a person who hunts while in the state of Ahraam?". Imam(a.s.) before replying said "Your question is incomplete. First you should complete your question. There could be 22 different situations:
(1) Hunting was done within or outside the limits of Haram?
(2) The hunter was aware of this shariah issue or not?
(3) Hunting was done intentionally or occurred un-intentionally?
(4) Hunter was a free person or a slave?
(5) He was a mature (baligh) or immature (nabaligh) person?
(6) He hunted for the first time or had been doing earlier as well?
(7) The hunt was a bird or other animal?
(8) The hunt was a small or a big animal?
(9) Hunter was ashamed of his act or insisted on its correctness?
(10) Hunting was done in the night or day time?
(11) Ahraam was for Hajj or Umra?
"Which of these situations are in question? Since the teaching of shariat depends on them."
Hearing this, Yahya bin Aksam was speechless and accepted his ignorance and requested the Imam(a.s.) to answer in the light of each situation. Imam(a.s.) replied as follows:
(1) If the animal was hunted while wearing Ahraam outside the limits of Haram and the animal was a bird and of big size then the kaffara is a goat.
(2) If the same has been hunted inside the limits of Haram then the kaffara is 2 goats.
(3) If the animal was small and hunted outside the Haram then the kaffara is one lamb that has completed its feeding from its mother.
(4) If this was done inside the haram then the kaffara is the cost of the bird and one lamb.
(5) If the hunted was a four-legged animal then if it was a wild donkey then the kaffara is a Cow and if was is an Ostrich then the kaffara is one Camel and if it was a Deer then one goat.
(6) If the same is done inside the haram then the kaffara is double.
(7) If the ahraam is for Umra then the kaffarat have to be brought to the Khana-e-Kaaba and the sacrifice will be done in Makkah. However if the Ahraam if of Hajj then the sacrifice will be done in Mina.
(8) It does not matter is the hunter is aware of the shariat issue or not – the kaffara will be the same in both cases.
(9) If the hunting is done intentionally then there is additional sin committed, but if it was done un-intentionally then there is no sin.
(10) If the hunter is a free person then the kaffara will be the liability of that person and if the hunter is a slave then the kaffara is the liability of his owner.
(11) Kaffara will be mandatory on a baligh (mature) person and is not mandatory on a na-baligh (immature) person.
(12) If the hunter repents his act then there is no punishment on the day of judgment but if the hunter insists on it being correct then will have to face punishment on the day of judgment as well.
Saturday, 6 August 2011
10th of Muharram
10th of Muharram - The day when Imam Hussain(a.s.) and his 72 companions were martyred in the desert of Karbala in Iraq in 61 A.H.
Imam Hussain(a.s.) was the icon of Islam who was upholding the religion of Allah(swt) against an icon of oppression and cruelty (Yazid bin Moawia Laeen) who had usurped the noble status of Khalifa-e-Rasool. Imam Hussain(a.s.) refused to accept this unjust person as Caliph and started off on a memorable journey to expose the nefarious designs of Yazid Laeen. This endeavor of Imam Hussain(a.s.) marked a turning point in the history of Islam and set out a clear distinction between the true Islam and the false brand of Islam that Yazid Laeen was trying to established.
Imam Hussain(a.s.) arrived in the land of Karbala on the 2nd of Muharram and his camp was moved away from the river Euphrates on the 7th of Muharram and from the 8th of Muharram all water and food resources finished in his camp and the women and little children of his family were without water and food in the scorching heat of Karbala for 3 days. On 10th of Muharram, battle between the small group of Imam Hussain(a.s.) and the 30,000 (upto 100,000) strong army of Yazid, led by Omar ibn-e-Saad, started and one by one all male members of Imam(a.s.)'s camp were martyred including children of tender ages of 14 and 12 years and the cruel men did not even spare the 6-month old Ali Asghar(a.s.) - the son of Imam Hussain(a.s.).
Just before the time of Asar prayers, Imam Hussain(a.s.) was left alone and he gave a thought provoking speech which highlighted the reasons why he had started this campaign and how the people of Kufa betrayed him and left him alone. Then he started a valiant battle all alone against the enemies and fought like his brave father till the time of Asar prayers when a voice called him to put his sword down and come to Allah(swt) as Nafs-e-Mutmaeenah - Satisfied soul. Imam Hussain(a.s.) started praying and while he was in prostration, Shimr-e-Maloon attacked him and martyred the Imam(a.s.) with an unsharpened dagger hitting him 13 times.
I present my condolences and Pursa to Prophet Mohammad(sawaw), Bibi Fatima(s.a.), Imam Ali(a.s.), Imam-e-Zamana(a.s.), the Ahl-e-Bait(a.s.) and all Momineen and Mominaat on this day of Ashura and asinstructed by our Imams(a.s.), you should also present condolences to your friends and family members on this day of the great martyrdom of Imam Hussain(a.s.) and his companions.
Hazrat Sakina bint al-Hussain (a.s.)
6th Safar - Martyrdom of Hazrat Sakina bint al-Hussain(a.s.).
According to different historical accounts, between the 3rd and 13th Safar is the martyrdom anniversary of Bibi Sakina bint-al-Hussain(a.s.) - the 4-year old beloved daughter of Imam Hussain(a.s.)
who died in the prison of Damascus after the family of the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) was made prisoner after the events of Karbala and detained in the prison of Damascus. She is also known as Ruqqayya bint-al-Hussain(a.s.) in the Arab world. (Some historians doubt this and say that Sakina(a.s.) and Ruqqayya(a.s.) are two different characters)
A few words of Masaib
From the time when Imam Hussain(a.s.) was martyred in the battle field, Bibi Sakina(a.s.) forgot to smile. Kufa saw her as a little girl lost in thoughts. Quite often she would sit up at night. When asked if she wanted anything, she would say, "I just heard a baby cry? Is it Asghar? He must be calling out for me!"
Knowing that her weeping upset her mother, Bibi Sakina(a.s.) would cry silently and quickly wipe away her tears. In the prison in Damascus she would stare at the flock of birds flying to their nests at sunset and innocently ask Bibi Zainab(s.a.), "Will Sakina ever be going home like those birds flying to their homes?"
Then one dreadful night Bibi Sakina(a.s.) went to bed on the cold floor of the prison. For a long time she stared into the darkness! She might have been asleep for only a while when she woke up and said to her aunt Zainab(s.a.) “Phuphi amma I saw my father – he was calling me saying O Sakina – O my child I have come to take you with me. Come to me my child” …… and bibi Sakina(a.s.) started crying. She cried and cried and then all of a sudden she went quiet. Her aunts thought she has slept and they left her in peace.
The time for the morning prayers came. Her mother called out: "Wake up, Sakina! Wake up, it is time for prayers, my child!" There was only the painful silence! Our fourth Imam Zain-ul-Abideen(a.s.) walked up to Sakina(a.s.) and caressed her and put his hand on her forehead. It was cold! He put his hand near the mouth and the nose. Bibi Sakina(a.s.) had stopped breathing. In between sobs Imam Zain-ul-Abideen(a.s.) recited: "INNA LILLAHI WA INNA ILAYHI RAAJI'OON!". All the ladies of ahlul-bait gathered around and started weeping – Haey Sakina(a.s.) haey haey Sakina(a.s.).
How was Bibi Sakina(a.s.) buried
Bibi Zainab(s.a.) held the still child while Imam Zain-ul- Abideen(a.s.) dug a grave in the cell. They tried to change her dress and put a proper kafan but her dress was so glued to her body with her blood that it would not come out without hurting her tender body. In tears they decided to bury her in her blood-soaked clothes.
As the grave was being filled up after the burial Hazrat Umm-e-Rubaab – her mother - let out a scream! How could anyone console Bibi Rubaab(a.s.)? What could they say? They huddled around her, and the prison walls began to shake with the cry: "Ya Bibi Sakina(a.s.), YA MAZLOOMAH!!" Bibi Rubaab(a.s.) put her cheek on Bibi Sakina(a.s.)'s grave and cried out: "Speak to me, Sakina! Only a word, my child! Speak to me!! – I lost my little Asghar in Karbala and now you are leaving me!!!"
The 24th of ZilHijjah marks the anniversary of the auspicious occasion of Mubahila – a challenge of religious debate and invoking Allah’s curse on liars. The historical event of Mubahila also reveals the exalted status of the Ahlul Bayt(a.s.). This is the day of victory of
Muslims over Christians and was such an important event that ever since it is celebrated as a day of Eid by muslims. The event of Mubahila occurred in the 10th of Hijrah.
Historical perspective of Eid-e-Mubahila
Najran was a fertile land located in the Northern mountainous region of Yemen about 20 Kms from Sanaa. About 40,000 Christians inhabited the land divided into 73 small towns. They were idol worshipers historically just like the Arabs but a priest named Femeon, a constructor by profession, preached Christianity in the area of Najran and soon all the population converted to Christianity and Najran became a powerful center of activities of Christians. They also constructed a church and named it 'Kaba-e-Najran'. They prayed and offered various offerings there which resulted in an annual income of about two hundred thousand Dinars which was used for the priest who lived and studied there.
After the conquest of Makkah when Islam started spreading rapidly and the warring groups came under the flag of Islam, the Holy Prophet(sawaw) starting sending emissaries to the tribes who had not yet accepted Islam. In 10 A.H. a similar message was sent to the Christians of Najran and they were offered either to accept the teachings of Islam or live in the protection of Muslims and give 'Jazia' - a kind of fee for protection services. When the Bishop of Najran received this message, he invited all the scholars and influential people of Najran and asked them to think and find a solution to this situation. This news spread rapidly among the masses and some people got infuriated as well but the Bishop of Najran pacified them and advised them to be mindful of the military might of the Islamic regime and try to find a peaceful solution.
Christian mission heads to Madina
After deliberations, it was finally decided to send a mission to Madina and have a dialog with the Muslims. A 14 member deligation headed by Aqib Saidawar and Abu Harisa started off for Makkah. Abu Harisa was considered as the greatest Bishop and scholar of the Christian world at that time and Aqib Saidawar was the biggest strategist and negotiator of the time. When the delegation reached Madina, the people got impressed by their lavish dressing and pomp and show since it was the first time that a mission had arrived in such a manner.
When they entered the Masjid-e-Nabawi, the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) looked at the precious stones, gold and silk clothes that they were wearing and turned away his face and did not pay any attention to them. After a while when no one noticed their pomp and show, they got out of the Masjid-e-Nabawi and met Hazrat Usman and Ubaid-ur-Rehman outside and asked them as to why they were invited by the Muslims and then treated in this manner. Hazrat Usman mentioned that he did not have a clue about that but if they consult Imam Ali(a.s.), he would be able to tell them what was going on. They took the delegation with them and arrived at the house of Imam Ali(a.s.) and mentioned about the whole incidence to him. Imam Ali(a.s.) said to the delegation that they were wearing dresses of silk and ornaments of gold which depicted their superior mentality and that they should take them off and dress simply. Only then the Prophet(sawaw) would allow them to visit him and entertain them. When they followed the instructions of Imam Ali(a.s.), they were allowed to visit the Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) after the Prayers of Asar and have discussions with him.
Proposal of Mubahila
After exchange of views on several issues, the delegation did not seem to be willing to accept the observations about the incorrect beliefs of Christianity and the logical explanations proving the incorrectness of their beliefs. At that time Allah(swt) send down the famous Ayat-e- Mubahila of the Quran:
Glorious Quran Chapter 3 Verse 61:
And unto him who disputeth with thee therein after the knowledge hath come unto thee, Say ! ( O' Our Apostle Muhammad ! ) ( Unto them ) come ye, let us summon our sons, and ( ye summon ) your sons, and ( we summon ) our women and ( ye ) your women, and ( we summon ) ourselves and then let us invoke the curse of God on the liars !
Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) recited this Ayat and invited them for Mubahila - praying to God(swt) to destroy and banish the liars.
Mubahila became necessary since the Christian delegation was adamant to accept the truth. After some hesitations the delegations asked to be given one day to reconsider their options and then accepted to have the Mubahila after two days. In their consultations among themselves, the grand Bishop Abu Harisa told his companions that if tomorrow, Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) brings his companions and his tribesmen and military might with him for Mubahila then they should accept the challenge without fear but if he brings only the members of his family, then never accept the challenge.
Whom did the Prophet(sawaw) take with him
The Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) selected a place close to Madina for the Mubahila which was then cleaned and prepared by Hazrat Salman Farsi(r.a.) and the next day the Christian delegation reached the designated place. A number of muhajirren and ansaar also gathered at the site. The Holy Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) took with him Imam Hasan(a.s.), Imam Hussain(a.s.), Bibi Fatima(s.a.) and Imam Ali(a.s.) and headed towards the site in a manner that Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) was leading the group holding Imam Hasan(a.s.) and Imam Hussain(a.s.) and Bibi Fatima(s.a.) was behind him and Imam Ali(a.s.) was behind Bibi Fatima(s.a.).
Saad bin Abi Waqas relates that when the Ayat-e-Mubahila was sent down, Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) called Imam Ali(a.s.), Bibi Fatima(s.a.), Imam Hasan(a.s.) and Imam Hussain(a.s.) and said "O my Allah(swt), these are my Ahl-e-Bait" . (Sahih Muslim, Vol.2, Page 287).
Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) sat down under a tree with these weighty personalities and said that when I pray to God, you all should say 'Ameen'. When the Christian delegation saw a woman, two children and only one man with the Prophet(sawaw), they got scared and worried and Abu Harisa chanted "O my christian friends, I am seeing such bright faces that if they pray that God move this mountain from its place then the mountain will be moved. I warn you, do not have Mubahila with them or you all will be destroyed and banished."
The Christian delegation was still amazed and frightened when the brother of Abu Harisa, Karz ibn-e-Alqama stated that "O my fellows, it appears that Mohammad(sawaw) is the same last apostle and prophet that has been mentioned in our sacred books. We should not have Mubahila with them because anyone who had Mubahila with the prophets in the past as well was destroyed. Look around you and observe that the signs of your destruction are appearing." When they looked around, they observed that the entire atmosphere had changed and it appeared that a furious storm is in offing.
Result of the Mubahila
Witnessing this, they backed off from the contest and requested that their friendship be accepted. Prophet Mohammad(sawaw) accepted their request and asked Imam Ali(a.s.) to write the agreement according to which the Najran tribes accepted to pay 'Jazia' and live under the protection of the Muslims.
This victory is a unique one in the history of this world.
Imam Moosa Kazim (a.s.)
25th Rajab 1432 A.H. - Martyrdom anniversary of Imam Moosa ibn-e-Jafar al-Kazim(a.s.) - the 7th Holy Imam.
His birth
Imam Jafer Sadiq(a.s.) went to Hajj along with his family in 127 Hijri and on the way back at the site of Abwa Imam Moosa Kazim(a.s.) was born on the 7th of Safar in 128 Hijri. His mother Bibi Hameeda Khatoon says that after Imam Kazim(a.s.) was born, he raised his head towards
the sky and recited the Shahadatain – the 3 testimonies – which was the tradition among all Masoomeen(a.s.). On his right shoulder was engraved the Ayat “waTammat kalimatu rabbika sidqan wa adlan” (Al-Anaam 6:115).
Political Conditions during his life
Imam Musa al-Kazim(a.s.) lived under the most crucial times in the regimes of the despotic Abbasid kings who were marked for their tyrannical and cruel administration . He was born during the rule of Marwan. After his death the first ruler of bani-Abbas named Saffah ruled from 132 to 136 Hijri. Al-Mansur ad-Dawaniqi ruled between 136 and 158 Hijri during which he martyred Imam Jafer Sadiq(a.s.) in 148 Hijri and so the Imamate of Imam Moosa Kazim(a.s.) began when he was just 20 years of age. Al-Mahdi al-Abbasi ruled from 158 to 169 Hijri and finally Harun ar-Rashid ascended the throne in 170 Hijra. Al-Mansur and Harun ar-Rashid were the despotic kings who put a multitude of innocent descendants of the Holy Prophet(sawaw) to the sword .
Thousands of these martyrs were buried alive inside walls or put into horrible dark prisons during their lifetime. These depraved rulers knew no pity or justice and they killed and tortured for the pleasure they derived from human sufferings.
The Holy Imam(a.s.) was saved from the tyranny of al-Mansur al-Abbasi because the king , being occupied with his project of constructing the new city of Baghdad , could not get time to turn towards victimizing the Imam. By 157 A.H. the city of Baghdad was built. This was soon followed by the death of its founder a year later. After al-Mansur, his son al-Mahdi ascended the throne . For a few years he remained indifferent towards the Imam(a.s.). When in 164 Hijri he came to Medina and heard about the great reputation of the Imam, he could not resist his jealousy and the spark of his ancestral malice against the Ahl-al-Bayt(a.s.) was rekindled. He somehow managed to take the Imam(a.s.) along with him to Baghdad and got him imprisoned there. But after a year he realized his mistake and released the Imam(a.s.) from jail. al-Mahdi was succeeded by al-Hadi who lived only for a year.
Now, in 170 AH, the most cruel and tyrannical king Harun ar-Rashid appeared at the head of the Abbasid Empire. It was during his reign that the Holy Imam(a.s.) passed the greater part of his life in a miserable prison till he was poisoned. Harun had the Imam(a.s.) arrested in the Prophet's(sawaw) mosque whilst the Imam was praying. He was handcuffed and shackled and sent to Basra. Imam(a.s.) was put into prison under the custody of Isa bin Ja'fer. After a year Isa wrote to Harun saying he could no longer imprison Imam(a.s.) as he could find only piety and righteousness in him.
Harun had the Imam(a.s.) moved to Baghdad under the custody of Fadhl bin Rabi who too became a follower of Imam(a.s.). The prisons were so small that there was no room to stand and the food was a cup of water and two pieces of dry bread a day. Imam(a.s.) remained patient. Harun finally moved Imam(a.s.) in the care of Sindi bin Shahak - a very cruel man. Imam remained in prison for a total of 19 years of his life. He was imprisoned without any communication with his followers of relatives for the last 14 years of his life.
These 19 years of imprisonment gave the Shia population a little relief as the rulers concentrated on the Imam(a.s.). It enabled the Shias to disperse from Arabia to Iran, India etc. thus spreading Islam and it was one of the factors towards the popularity of the 8th Imam.
His Martyrdom
In 179 A.H., Harun ar-Rashid visited Medina. The fire of malice and jealousy against the Ahl-e-bait(a.s.) was kindled in his heart when he saw the great influence and popularity which the Holy Imam(a.s.) enjoyed amongst the people there. He got the Imam(a.s.) arrested while he was busy in prayer at the tomb of the Holy Prophet(sawaw). On the 25th of Rajab 183 A.H., he got the Imam(a.s.) martyred by poison inside the prison when Imam(a.s.)’s age was 55. Even his corpse was not spared humiliation and was taken out of the prison and left on the Bridge of Baghdad. When Harun Rashid's brother Sulayman heard of this he was furious and arranged for his burial in a Quraysh cemetery outside Baghdad (the 8th Imam gave ghusl and kafan). A town grew around the tomb of Imam called Kadhmain (meaning the two Kadhims) since the 9th Imam is also buried there.
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